OK, i'm a bored, lazy human being at the moment! I gotta have something to do!
I was blog hopping last night and I came by this new blogger who features random pictures that she likes and finds in the intricate world of the internet.. I found the pictures cute and they somehow made my cold stressful day better! I got inspired and so I am thinking of doing the same.. I'll be using the title "Daily Pic -insertdatehere-" for each pic feature I make and I may or may not write something in each post.. I know it's called 'daily pic' but I cannot assure you that I'll be posting pictures everyday.. BUT, I'll try my very best to make it.. So, I'll be starting it off today.. Here it goes... :)
Raining cats and dogs! -source- |
It's been raining a lot lately and I don't really like it especially when I'm in school or away from home.. Who would want to get drenched in their school uniform? That'd really suck! I prefer to be at home when it rains, with a cup of coffee or warm chocomilk and a good book on hand.. Hmmm.. So today, I'm featuring a picture of, uhh, rain! :))
How about you? How was your day?